We are a people-builder specialist. We equip the most valuable asset in your organization: the people.

Learn more about our People Development Training Programs here.

Lab C has been trusted by:

  • "Materi simpel dan mudah dipahami, tidak panjang tapi berbobot. Relevan dalam dunia kerja saat ini."

    Matthew Mardana
    Analis Deputi Direktur Program Budaya & Manajemen Perubahan

    Otoritas Jasa Keuangan

  • "Kombinasi yang sangat praktikal dan aplikatif dengan keilmuan, termasuk pendekatan psikologi. Sangat mudah dicerna, diingat, dan diaplikasikan."

    Head of Public Engagement & Communications

    Wahana Visi Indonesia

  • “New and refreshing. Materi exercise on point dan banyak diskusi. Bagus karena kita bisa self assess cara kerja selama ini."

    Nyoman Y. Pravita Dewi
    Diplomat Muda Ditjen Amerika Eropa

    Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia

  • Materi yang dibawakan sangat bermanfaat dan relevan dengan kebutuhan tim di kantor. Metode penyampaian dan pendekatannya dibungkus dengan sangat kreatif dan efektif. Highly recommended!

    Annisa Dinta Andilolo
    Tenaga Ahli Utama

    Kantor Staf Presiden

“You don't build a business, you build people, then people build the business.”
—Zig Ziglar

Reach us to start building your team.

Meet Our Team

Timothy Oroh
Chief Executive Officer/
Learning Strategist

After graduated a Bachelor of Visual Communication Design from Universitas Pelita Harapan, Timothy had a successful 15 years run in the creative industry handled both multinational and small enterprises. Timothy then decided to follow his calling for developing people through education. He holds a Leaders of Learning certificate from HarvardX, an online learning initiative of Harvard University, and an internationally recognizable CPD certificate on Cognitive Behavioral Life Coach.

Fisella Mutiara
Chief Operations Officer/
People & Culture Specialist

Fisella is a Bachelor of Law from Universitas Indonesia who shifted away from the Law field and followed her passion to work in the People and Culture field. Transforming the mindset and helping people reach their maximum potential is one of her biggest missions in life. Therefore, since 2015 she has been using her expertise in developing people and building winning teams in multiple leading tech companies in Indonesia such as Gojek, Bukalapak, and Amartha.

Bugie Triyoga
Chief Business Officer/
Growth Mentor

Bugie has eighteen years of experience in the creative business and retail industry, graduated with a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from Universitas Atmajaya Jakarta, and found his interest in building a business from scratch and scaling it up. He founded Tendencies, one of the longest-standing local clothing brands in Indonesia. Now Bugie currently serves as a mentor for small businesses in retail and F&B industries at BRI’s entrepreneurship program Pengusaha Muda BRILiaN.